Meguey's Base Race Dolls
Conditions of use
Dollz - Main
The Base Race is over at Little Sweet Things
100 bases, in order, no skipping, do quality work on all of them - it's been great fun so far! I got half-way, then life got crazy. I WILL go back and finish up!
base Acorn boy
base I saw it and thought "Spidey!"
base I quite like the gown

base Waffle cone!

base I really like this one. I was stuck
for a long time on how to
approach the difficult pose, but I got it!

base Saturday mornings as a kid :)

base A monkey!

base Hopi girl - I love how the loom came out.

base A hoppity-hop!

base He's so cute!

base Neo. The base was only a torso , so I had to wing the rest

base I'm glad I had an idea going into this base.

base The velvet turned out great, I think. I tried 5 different hairstyles before this one.

base Take me to your leader!

base Dobby the house elf

base Whoa, gradients!

base Yep. Sad animae doll

base Yay braids!

base Meh.

base Not Lara Croft. Really.

base Please do not adopt this one, thanks.

base Okay, it could be better

base Durban, South Africa

base Aragorn, my first LotR doll. He took me over 4 hours.

base This was fun and challenging.

base Leetah, from EQ

base A random fairy

base This would dance, if I could animate it.

base The Skeleton King

base A gymnast

base Oh, she's so dark and bitter :)

base Everyone needs a clown, right?

base A proper cup of tea

base How big a dress CAN I make on a sprite?

base LOVE

base A cute little baby

base Who me?

base I have no idea either

base This was fun - I like the clouds

base Possibly my favorite from the Race.

base A flower boy

base Meh

base I like this one ok

base She took waaaay too long

base A hollow doll. This is a cool technique if it's done right. I did ok.