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Of the moment
The only thing you really need to know, and that's really an
assumption on my part, is that yes, Meguey is my name. The 'gue' is
pronounced as in 'guest', and it's also the name of a flowering catcus, spelled maguey.

I really do wear other outfits, it just seems that every time I do a self-portrait, I'm wearing jeans and a green top.

I love my garden |
I am Scottish, Swedisn, German, and American

My 'The Gathering' yearbook doll Xandorra's's base
I'd be an elf, sure.
I like house-keeping, but hate house-work base
I bake! base

In my pj's Solstice morning.
I'm a patriot. That means I don't always agree with my government
How much more truthful could I get? :)
 Me as a witch! Yeah!
Base is from Cleo
 Star Wars has Luke, Han, and Leia! Forget the Anikin kid.
Base is from Angy-chan
 Me in 2000, in 1985, and in 1975.
Base is from Angy-chan