My Sister Sites
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Of the moment
I love the idea of sister/siblings/etc. In general, I'm very pro 'family of choice', and the web is no exception.
Lisa of Lost & Delirious Dollz
was the first person to ask me to be her sister. I always spend more time pokeing around her site than most sites; it's fun and
interesting, and she's got great dolls. I really like the attitude at L&D Dollz - upbeat, unique, and irreverent. Lisa's her own chick and proud of it.

Oh, I so needed this today!

'Cause Lisa needs gifties too.

A gift from me to Lisa! base

A gift to me from Lisa!
Jorinda of Jorinda's Place asked me the very next
day, and I was thrilled! I fell in love with her elf dolls, then the little sword fighting
Kao (*so cute! I poke you! I poke you!*), then the whole site. I love that her (handsome!)
partner has a doll site too (although I have trouble makeing it work :{) She's got great
skill, not just at dolling, as you will discover if you follow her links. She also has the
cutest boy baby that side of the Atlantic.

I was so surprised and pleased to receive this from Jorinda. base

It was especially cool since I had been trying to think how to ask *her*! base
Melissa of Pixel Oasis was my third sister!
Ok, I've had sleep and chocolate, so now I can write 'why I asked Meli to be my sis' in fifty words
or there abouts. Basically, she's friendly and out-going (like me :) ), plus she both dolled my fav
base AND inspired me to enter a contest (the Daisy B/E at Candy Cloud) AND had a cool contest that
I entered, so she was a doller to watch. Her site is sassy and sweet.
Jolynn of Jolynn's Dollz is my new sister!
She and I have been getting to know each other for some months now. There are a lot of similar things
in our lives, and she's just great. when we first met, she didn't have a site yet, and boy, am I glad she does now! Check out her unbelievable dolls! Of course, sharing an ElfQuest obsession helped too.