Gifts & Requests
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Gifts & Requests
Please do not adopt from this page. Thanks. If you *really must* have a similar doll, leave a note on my message board.
 A gift
Wow this was crazy/fun!
Not everyone's in US/UK

"Clothed in stars she walks the sky."

Thanks Jolynn!

Hug for Jolynn!

Hug for Lisa!

Hug for Meli!


Thanks Jolynn!

Thanks TG!

Thanks Chilli!

Thanks Dandan&K!

Thanks Jademoons!


Thanks Amy.

Thanks Dandan & K & Chillwi.

Thanks Dandan & K & Chillwi.

Thanks Jolynn.

Thanks Lisa.
A gift from Dandan&K!
base Dandan's mascot Rory, as a mermaid.

base Thanks, Dandan!
base From my friend Emily

base For my friend Emily

To Mahe; hope it's a joyous day. base

A b-day gift from Miss Poe!
Happy as a cat thanks to Jac. Shortcut>

A gift to me from Lisa

A gift to me from Lisa!

A doll by Albarinos base

An av doll by Albarinos base

A green doll by Skadi base

A portrait doll by Skadi base

A doll with Joria's astonishing tie-dye effect base

A mystic warrior by Libby base

A belly dancer by Rajikaur base
Lillith made me a Goddess of Beasts base