Meguey's Links

About me
Conditions of use
Contest entries
Contests here
Dollz - Main
Gifts to and from me
Sister Sites
Of the moment
Here are all my links. It's just so much nicer having them here than having to go through my 'favorites' all the time. If your site is linked here, you can grab the doll at left. If you're NOT on my Links page and you'd like to be,
leave me a
Message, complete with your address, and I'll swing by and check you out! I've put a bit about each site in the roll-over - mostly as a memory tool for me - so you'll know why I linked each site. (If, by some odd chance, you're looking for a link to me, they're at the bottom.)
Here are some buttons to link to me, should you feel moved to do so. Text link is, and if you'd drop me a message
, I'll visit your site, too.
Here are some buttons OTHER PEOPLE have made for me!?!?